Saturday, 22 May 2010

Great to be back

With not being able to sculpt after moving onto the barge I must have got increasingly grumpy !:o As my hubby saw the need for me to have a studio boat, which he is even converting, it is a 53ft ex British Waterways work boat that we have called 'Bewitched' . She will not be fully finished for a little while, but I am able to use her old Workman's cabin just now YAY!
I am in the process of moving materials in and getting inspired again.

At the moment we are moored beside Horseshoe Thicket an ancient woodland on Walthamstowe Marshes, one of my fav places on the river Lea so magical.

Horseshoe Thicket Walthamstow Marshes

The girls ( my dogs) and I go for our daily walks through here. Last year the thicket was being thinned out a little, i was lucky enough to get some wood from it and did some wood sprite carvings. They are something i would like to do more of if I can keep a stash hidden from the hubby who is not to fussy what prized finds get burned in the wood burner.


  1. Wow what a magical place you are living~ it sound wonderful... beautiful pictures.

    Let us know when Bewitches is ready~
    : ) Pattee

  2. Thanks Pattee

    When Bewitched is ready hopefully you will see a flurry of creative activity from this corner, it will be such a relief to have creating space again :0

    Shar :)

  3. I love your photos they are wonderful
